“…the Core of our Club”
Telemark is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a healthy, active lifestyle and we depend on volunteers to make this club function. We have an excellent core of volunteers that help to keep the wheels turning at Telemark and they’re always ready, willing and able to mentor new recruits with a smile on their faces.
We’d love to have you join us in any capacity you can offer! Some of our volunteer programs offer a stipend per session.
Contact Telemark General Manager Mike Edwards at 250 707-5925 or email mike.edwards@telemarknordic.com if you are willing to help or if you’d like some more information on the various volunteer opportunities throughout the season.
The club’s executive consists of about ten volunteers and meets for two hours once a month throughout the year. Each director coordinates one or more activity for the club such as treasurer, recording secretary, trail and facility maintenance, grooming machine maintenance, governance issues (policies, insurance etc.), coordinating organised programs, liaison with Athlete Development Committee, dealing with government organisations. The Annual General Meeting is held the last Sunday of October.
Instructors for school programs
Every year there are more than 3500 visits under our school ski program. Sessions run in January and February every morning and afternoon during school days. Volunteer leaders are needed to help run this program. No qualifications are needed. We will train you. It is a very rewarding experience to help students to learn how to ski.
Coaches for organised programs
There are many organised programs for various age groups and experience levels. Starting with Bunnyrabbits for 3-6 years old and including Junior Racers, a Masters program and Biathlon. Volunteer coaches with various skill levels are needed to run these programs. Sessions are in the evenings during the week and on Saturdays. We pay for NCCP coaching workshops in order for you to get your coaching certifications. In fact, every year we host the first 2 levels coaching (ICC and CC) workshops here in Kelowna in the fall.
During most years three major races are held at Telemark. It takes more than 80 volunteers to make each of these races run smoothly. This includes helping set up the race course, helping out on the course as time keeper, course Marshall, helping out in the lodge with the food, handing out and collecting race bibs and many other positions. It is a fun way to spend a morning and you get the best seats in the house up close to the athletes.
Trail maintenance and fire wood cutting
Late summer and fall are the times when trails need to be cleared of brush and branches need to be cut back to make sure that skiing can start early in the season with little snow and skiers do not get whipped in the face by branches hanging over the trails. Every fall sufficient fire wood must be cut to last us for the winter. Generally one or two weekends are scheduled for work parties to complete this work.