We have been working hard over the last couple of seasons towards building the “Panorama Cabin”. We hoped to start construction last fall but the approval process took longer than expected and our funding application to the BC Tourism Growth Program was not successful. We now have the BC Government approval which includes environmental impact assessment and First Nations consultation. Full approval will be in place once we have the final engineered plans this spring. Thanks to the generous donations of individuals like yourself and some corporate commitments we now have about 50% of the budgeted $100,000+ for the project. We will try again to apply for some additional funding but your donation will help to close that gap.
The cabin is planned for a spectacular spot overlooking the Okanagan valley 1/2 way along the Panorama Ridge ski and snowshoe trails. It will provide a challenging yet accessible destination for everybody as well as shelter for those needing a rest while on a longer adventure. The cabin is planned be made to modern building standards complete with covered deck space and plenty of room in its 18’x24′ footprint.
We hope you are as excited by the Panorama Cabin as we are. Please make a donation through our Canada Helps Fundraising Platform. It is easy to donate and the best part is that you get a tax receipt through our fundraising partnership with Nordiq Canada and additional matching funds of up to $2000 through CCBC. The fundraiser is open only until April 1, 2025