October was busy month as we were getting ready for the coming winter.
Oct 16: Bottle Drive Team Fundraiser – Thanks to all those who helped collect & sort and to those who donated their recyclables. We raised over $4000 for the Youth Competitive Program. That’s a lot of bottle and cans!
Oct 22: Ski Swap – Thanks to all those who volunteered and consigned/purchased equipment. We raised $4000 for the Youth Competitive Program. Kelowna Cycle was great venue. The 50/50 draw remains unclaimed. The winning ticket number is 688962. Please contact us if you have the winning ticket.
Oct 23: Orienteering event – Telemark hosted our first orienteering event in co-operation with the Sage Orienteering Club. There were over 70 participants in this inaugural event. The event was great fun and nobody got really lost. Info and results here.
Oct 25: Valley Championship XC Running Event – 300 kids from all over the Okanagan and beyond raced in this fun event that brings together the fastest kids for some friendly competition. Many of Telemark’s own Youth Competitive Program kids raced and a few qualified for the Provincial Championships happening Nov 5th in Victoria.
Oct 29: Volunteer Work Party – Thanks to everybody who came out for our volunteer work party. We had a record turn-out with about 100 people helping out, including many of the program kids. We accomplished so many jobs and enjoyed a great BBQ on a beautiful day. Telemark is ready for the snow now!
Oct 29: AGM – We held our AGM where we welcomed 5 new board members to Telemark and thanked 3 retiring board members. For a complete list of board members please go to “Our Team” webpage.
Now we are just waiting for snow!