Do you have $ recyclables sitting in your garage that you just can’t bear to look at anymore. Let us take them for you for the 2nd annual Team Telemark Bottle Drive Fundraiser!
Team Telemark does many fundraising activities each year in order to have enough $ to make sure our Youth Programs run and to help pay for our fabulous coaches. The bottle drive, raffle, ski waxing and donation campaign are a few of the activities. Last year our inaugural bottle drive raised $4300. We are hoping to beat that total this year! Please help collect, help sort or just give us your $ recyclable bottles and cans.
You can drop bottles anytime before Sunday Oct 3rd at 3651 Glencoe Road (West Kelowna). There are large apple bins to collect the cans/bottles to on the right side as you pull in the driveway. Just ‘drop and go’. To make it easy for you we can also pick up your bottles. Please ‘text’ 250-899-0354 to order a pick up
On October 3rd starting at 10am we will gather to sort and count the bottles at 3651 Glencoe Rd
Please reach out to Sonya Bridge with any questions Cell Ph: 902-440-5450 email: sonyabridge@gmail.com