The Telemark Nordic Club would like to welcome Red Moose Immigration Services as a Club sponsor.
Nicole and Robert Kleemaier of Red Moose Immigration Services in Kelowna are avid cross-country skiers and have been long time, active Telemark members. They wanted to give something back to the Club and so have become our newest sponsor. You may have seen their banner at the lodge as the backdrop for our season pass photos this year. You will definitely see Nicole and Robert around the trails in their distinctive Red Moose outfits.
Red Moose supports foreign nationals in their efforts to get a visitor visa, study permit, work permit or permanent resident permit. They also help employers who want to hire those individuals. If you need these kinds of services please think of Nicole and Robert and Red Moose Immigration Services.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Telemark Nordic Club please contact us. Sponsorship Pkg